Saturday, September 13, 2008

Nice surprise!

Ryan and Ethan hung out at home today while I managed to have a very easy day at work! I came home to find a sparkling clean house and dinner cooked and ready! Ryan worked so hard at home to clean everything and made one of our favorite meals, Anne's London Broil. I played with Ethan for a few minutes, nursed him, and then he went to sleep very easily after his bedtime story. Then we enjoyed dinner and a glass of wine - he had even chilled one of our favorites, the Apple Peach wine from The Apple Barn!

Ethan is getting into everything and crawling everywhere... Ryan set up different barricades and obstacles around the living room to keep Ethan from getting where he shouldn't go. I told Ryan I had seen some gates that you could spread out around a room, and he thought something like that would work well! So, we might have to cage our little one in... we will see. He automatically seems to go for the things that he should not be getting into!!

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