Monday, December 15, 2008

My first cookie swap

Mammaw was sick over the weekend, so Ryan stayed home with Ethan today and they hung out at home. After I got off work, I headed down to NKY to meet up with some of the other mom's from The Nest for a Christmas Cookie Swap! I had a lot of fun hanging out with some of the girls I have gotten together with before, as well as putting some faces to names I hadn't met yet. Becky has put this together for the past few years, and it was so much fun! Everyone baked their own cookies and brought them on a platter, and then we went around and got several of each cookie and recipes. Very cool idea! We have lots of goodies to sample now. Since I headed there from work, I wasn't able to bring Ethan, so he will be looking forward to meeting up with the other kids soon!

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