Thursday, December 11, 2008

"All done!!"

The past day or two, we have been thinking that Ethan said "all done", but we are really sure now :) He is saying it a lot! It sounds like "ah-duh", and he is using it pretty much in the right context, too! When we got home tonight, he was sitting on the floor after I took him out of his carseat. He proceeded to take off (er, rip off) his hat, and said "ah-duh!". LOL! Too cute! His first phrase :)

Ethan had a sleepover at Mammaw and Papaw's last night, and while Ryan worked on editing the pics, I worked on creating his first birthday invitations and our Christmas cards. We went and got them both printed today, so watch your mailboxes! We got his birthday invites printed at Kinko's. Then I discovered that you can do custom printing at Costco, so I will be using them in the future!!

Ethan was so happy and lovey today. He is really loving to cuddle and he'll tuck his head in for a hug and give huge wet kisses!! He doesn't pass out kisses to many others but Mommy, but we try to get him to share. He comes right at my face with his mouth wide open!!

Ethan is also learning to share - if you ask him "give me your binkie, Ethan", he will put it in your hand :) Then he wants it back, and so the cycle continues back and forth. He is such a good boy!

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