Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy 11 months, little man!

I can't believe that Ethan is 11 months old today. In just one month, he will be one year old! How fast this year has gone. It is time to start preparing for his first birthday party!! We are having it in the afternoon on his birthday, which fortunately falls on a Saturday! Other than that, we are not sure of the plans.

We bought Ethan some YoBaby Yogurt when we were grocery shopping the other day, so what better day to start a new treat than the monthly birthday? He had the mixed berry yogurt with fruit and cereal, and ate it all up! He usually has oatmeal with fruit in the morning, so I wasn't sure how he would take to it since it it cold, but he did very well!

Ryan and I worked on putting Christmas lights outside while Ethan had his naps today. After his first nap, we bundled him up and he supervised us for a bit sitting on the porch. Boy, what a pain are Christmas lights! We didn't put them out last year since I was due right around the holidays, so we hadn't dealt with them in two years. All of our landscaping has grown, so they need more lights than they did 2 years ago. Our little 35 light sets only go about halfway down the topiaries, lol. So, we need to pickup a few boxes of lights to finish up.

While we were outside, we met up with our neighbor, Josie. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to undergo a mastectomy. She has been getting chemo treatments and has her last treatment on December 16th. They were able to remove the cancer and her lymph nodes were benign! Please say a prayer for her. She has been through so much and has such a wonderful, positive outlook on life. She is really an inspiration for so many!!

After Ethan woke up from his afternoon nap, we headed over to pickup Mammaw and then we went to get pictures taken at JC Penney. We got a cute family picture and Christmas pictures of Ethan done, and we also had his 'one year' pictures done so we will have them back by his birthday. We brought a cupcake with us and did a shoot of him eating a cupcake for his first birthday! It just dawned on me that we should have brought the camcorder with us. He was eyeing that thing the whole time Ryan peeled the wrapper away, and he really dug into it and crammed it to his mouth. He absolutely LOVED it!! We kept trying to get him to smile, but he was not interested in anything else but eating that cupcake.

The photoshoot went really well, but they were absolutely packed by the time we were done. By the time we had our shoot, picked pictures out, and finally got to check out, we were there almost 3 hours. Ethan did so good the whole time, but we were starving, and he was in sugar overload, so we stopped to have dinner at Cracker Barrel, dropped Mammaw off, and then headed home to get out tired little guy to bed. He fell asleep in the car, of course, and didn't even make a peep while I was getting him ready for bed and nursed him. I think he had a good 11 month birthday :)

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