Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ethan's First Concert

Ethan and I went to the grocery store while Daddy stayed home to work on a special project. Boy, was the grocery store packed! Remind me not to go to the little Kroger on Rt 4 the week of Christmas - you can barely fit down the aisles with a cart! We picked up some things to make Christmas cookies and for our french toast casserole for Christmas morning :)

Tonight we went to Ethan's first concert! We heard about a Christmas concert at the Landmark church in Cincinnati and picked up our tickets last week. Newsong, Rush of Fools, and Chris Sly (from American Idol) put on a fabulous show. Grandma and Grandpa Abrams came over and we all drove together. We had a great time! Ethan was awesome, and he loved looking at all the lights, and he stood up and danced and shook his little tush and clapped :) He hammed it up to the people around us, and started waving! He was waving by opening and closing his fingers up and down - he has not done this before! It is so cute! So we just really enjoyed ourselves and the music. My favorite performance was the Little Drummer Boy - they had a bunch of different drums and drummers walking through the crowd. Very cool!

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