Saturday, December 6, 2008

Alana's Birthday and Festival of Lights

Today we went down to Johnny's Toys in NKY for Alana's 4th birthday party! Happy Birthday, Alana!! They have a very cool place there called Totter's Otterville. It is a huge indoor playland for kids. There is an outdoor area as well, but it was closed since it snowed! There are different sections for kids of all ages, puppet shows, water play areas, animals to look at, trains, etc. Ethan is still a little young for most of the things, but we still had a very good time! Ethan sat at the kiddie table and ate pizza and had some ice cream, too. Alana got lots of fun princess and Barbie presents!!

We ran a few errands after the party, and then met up with Tom, Sheila, and Mason at the Festival of Lights. It was so cold and snowing! There were a ton of people there and we had to stand in line for awhile. Next time, we will definitely buy tickets beforehand! We had the boys (and ourselves!) bundled up from head to toe. It was so pretty with all the lights and the snow in the trees! Most of the animals were sleeping, but the boys both loved the fish and the manatees. They also got to ride the carousel :) We had a really good time. Ethan was pooped when we were done, so we got him changed into his jammies before we left - he conked out as soon as we got him settled in the car!

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