Saturday, December 13, 2008

Learning to share already!

Ethan hung out at home with Ryan today while I was at work. They woke up this morning and Ryan brought Ethan to bed with him. Ethan loves to crawl and move around on the bed and climb on the pillows. He is also doing a new trick, if you will. If you say "Ethan, give DaDa (or MaMa, Mammaw, Papaw, etc) your binkie", he will take it out of his mouth, open your hand, and put it in your hand. Or, sometimes he tries to put it in your mouth ;) I think it's so cool that he understands that concept already!

Ryan and Ethan went to meet Mammaw and Papaw at their church this evening for their Christmas dinner. Uncle Rod, Uncle Mike, and Haley were there too. Ethan had fun hanging out and he sampled some macaroni and cheese (we've discovered this is one of his favorites), green beans, mashed potatoes, and a bite of pumpkin roll, too. This child is his mother's son if he loves pumpkin roll... it is my favorite :) I stopped by when I got off work too. Mammaw was not feeling good at all, so we didn't stay long so they could stop over for me to check her bp and then they headed home so she could get some rest. Feel better soon!!

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