Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hoping to get well soon...

Hopefully Ethan is not coming down with something too... he went to sleep around 8 last night, and between 12:30 and 2:30 he woke up 3 or 4 different times. I was in my Nyquil daze, so Ryan got up with him. I groggily awakened around 2:30 and nursed Ethan and he finally went back to sleep. He woke back up around 7 and was restless then too, nursed, and went back to sleep. Ryan was such an awesome help for me today... I have been feeling so weak just picking Ethan up is a huge task. I got to rest and sleep, and even got chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese in bed :) I keep having chills and then get hot, and I am achy all over. Ethan was playing nap hooky again today... he took his morning nap but never went back to sleep this afternoon until 5. Mammaw called on her way home and offered to keep him tonight, so we packed up his things and he went for a sleepover! Hopefully we will be feeling better soon.

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