Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Family Festival

Last night I made Ethan some new foods... Ryan wanted him to try broccoli, and I guess he should have a well-rounded palate, so I bought some... I hate broccoli with a passion! I made him a cheesy broccoli chicken casserole with pasta stars and he tried it today at Mammaw's and she said he ate it right up! So either he likes broccoli, or his first real taste of cheese was a hit. Of course he has to be a cheese lover because he is a Branton!

After I got off work, Ryan and I went to get Ethan, Mammaw, and Brianna to go to the Fall Family Festival at Pierce Elementary, my alma mater and Haley and Brianna's school. This is the last year for Pierce to be open! They are building a brand new school, and I believe tearing Pierce down. Brianna will go to the new elementary next year, and Haley will head off to junior high! It is hard to believe it is that time already! We met Mom and Haley at the school. Ethan got dressed up in his monkey costume, Haley was a witch, and Brianna was a pirate.

Ethan even got to pose with the "great pumpkin". He wasn't quite sure what to think! He had the same blank pose as he did when he saw the Easter bunny in the spring... wonder what he will think of Santa?

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