Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pizza lover

Third shift in a row today for me - may not sound like a lot, but it is very tiring! Ryan went to class and Ethan went to Grandma A's to visit and he got to see his cousins, Jack, Philip, and Mia also. He had lots of fun playing with everyone! He had eaten lunch already, and then they got pizza from Donato's. Grandma went to take a bite of her pizza, and Ethan opened up his mouth wide wanting some too, lol!

Speaking of pizza, I didn't get out of work until about 8:15, so I picked up a pizza on the way home. We wanted to try the new Fresh Mozzarella Meatball pizza from Donato's. I sat down to nurse Ethan and was trying to multi-task, nursing him and feeding myself at the same time. Mr. Sneaky turned right around and snagged a piece off the pizza! He loves food, that is for sure.

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