Sunday, July 26, 2009

Time to potty train?

I was supposed to work 12 hours yesterday and today, but got put on call from 7-3 both days per my request so it was nice to spend time with my guys :) Our new GPS got delivered yesterday, so Ryan was excited to have a new gadget to play with while I went to work! He tested it out by driving to Ft Liberty Playland, and taking Ethan for a walk and playtime. They got to enjoy the pretty part of the day!!

After they got home, Ryan brought Ethan's froggy potty upstairs. We have been debating starting working with Ethan on potty training since he seems so much more aware of what is going on and sometimes we can see some cues about when it might start.

Here is Ryan's version of the story:

We were watching tv and I noticed Ethan grunting
so I asked do you need to potty
and he said mm hmm
so I said lets go potty and he walked to the bathroom
but he had already gone poopy
the end

LOL. Here we go down a fun road :)

We also went to Mom and Jim's for a family birthday celebration today. We were there just a few minutes, and through the kitchen goes a walking Ethan saying "Doy-Doy" (Joy-Joy, the grandkids' name for her). She and I kind of did a double take... but it was clear as day!! So cute!

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