Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy 16 months, sweet boy!

Ethan turned 16 months yesterday and I wonder every day where our baby has gone.  I was just reading the "Your Toddler This Week" update and this could not sound more spot on!!
Where, oh where, has your baby gone? You have a full-fledged toddler living with you now. Walking and running still top the agenda, but take note of how complex your child's movements have become. When she crosses a room, she'll squat to pick up an interesting toy or stop to stack some blocks. If she's particularly ambitious, she'll figure out how to push a stool or chair over to the kitchen counter so she can climb up for a better look — all the more reason to make sure your house is as childproof as it can be.

Ethan is very inquisitive and loves being in the middle of everything.  He pushes whatever he can around the house... the barstools and his highchair in particular.  He loves to pickup the laundry baskets and the basket I keep his toys in.  You wouldn't think that such a little guy could tote those things around!  He is very funny to watch.  Last night he was playing with his Fridge Farm and was busting some new moves... Ryan and I were cracking up.  We got a video, so I will try to upload it.
We went out yesterday after church and had a picnic and walked around Ault Park.  It turned out to be a very pretty spring day!  We went to the aquarium afterward and Ethan just had a blast.  We have passes but haven't been since last fall.  He loved running around looking at all the fishies, and he kept pointing and saying "see! see!"  We had a lot of fun.

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