Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

It's New Year's Eve! I had to do a 24 hour urine test over the weekend so they could check for protein in my urine. We took it to Bethesda on Saturday, and my level was right at 300. I spoke to Sue on the phone Saturday and she said if it had been above 300, they would want to induce me due to a risk for preeclampsia, but that they would continue to monitor me.

We had our follow up appointment today with Cheyenne, had more bloodwork done, and a nonstress test and ultrasound in the office. I'm 3 1/2 cm dilated, but Ethan is still sitting high. I haven't been having contractions that I could feel until today when she did the nonstress test, I could tell that I was having some contractions - they felt like belly cramps - and Daddy could see the contraction lines on the strip. Cheyenne did the ultrasound to measure the fluid around Ethan and everything looks good! She wants me to do another 24 hour urine test today and wants to schedule an induction for Thursday if no progress has been made by then. I do not want to be induced, so hopefully Ethan will decide to come join us. She did suggest that if no other methods worked to get labor going that I could try to drink castor oil. We will see!

Mommy and Daddy made Ethan a "Happy Birthday" cake last night! It was fun to do something relaxing together and to decorate the cake for when Ethan comes to join us :)

We went to Heather and Brian's house to celebrate New Year's! Mommy's modified bedrest :)

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