Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bedrest at 40 weeks...

Today is Ethan's due date! He seems pretty comfortable inside mommy, and there isn't any signs of him coming out yet. We went to our 40 week midwife appointment and my blood pressure was high for the very first time. Gwen was our midwife today and she was very nervous about my blood pressure, and there was trace protein in my urine. She did an ultrasound at the office to see if Ethan was head down, and he is. After the ultrasound, she wanted us to go to Good Sam to have some tests run and to monitor me and Ethan since my blood pressure is high. She was afraid that I might be developing preeclampsia. I have had no issues in my pregnancy until now so this made me really nervous! Daddy drove us to Good Sam and I didn't make any phone calls because I didn't want to do anything to make my blood pressure go higher. Once we got to Good Sam, they put us in a room and started blood pressure checks on me and fetal monitoring on Ethan. They drew some labs and took another urine sample. All went well and my blood pressure went down each time they took it. There was still trace protein in my urine, but Paulette, the midwife on call at Good Sam, said I was okay to go home on bedrest. So we will patiently wait Ethan's arrival!

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