Thursday, October 15, 2009

What a mess.

Ethan and I got up early to try to avoid mad paranoia with Hamilton people trying to get flu shots at the Health Department... Ethan's pedi is completely out of vaccines and not getting anymore, so that was my only option! We got there right when they opened and there was already a line. We got up to the door and there was a sign that they were out of flu shots for children under 3! Ugh!!

I spent all afternoon calling around to all the pharmacies trying to find some place to get a flu shot for him. I'm just a little freaked out since I am exposed to the flu at work all the time and would feel a little safer gettin him vaccinated this year, especially since the flu outbreak seems to be happening so early this year.

So, the only place I could get him a flu vaccine is by going to Urgent Care and telling them I am self pay and not saying a word about having insurance. They are only allocating flu shots for those on Medicaid or those without insurance!! It really aggravates me that we pay for insurance and can't be "eligible" to receive it if we are insured. So we had to be a little sneaky!!

Finally... Ethan's flu shot = done! And he was such a trooper and super energetic afterwards!! We took him to Frisch's afterwards and got chili spaghetti, and he ate it up!! His new word of the day today is "FOOD". How fitting considering he just got his appetite back today after getting sick!

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