Monday, September 29, 2008

Corn lover!

Ethan woke up bright and early around 7am this morning. He usually goes back to sleep when he has an early morning nursing session, but he wanted to stay up today. After Ryan left for school, we played in the family room, but every time I would get up and walk in the kitchen or anywhere even partly out of his view, he would get upset. He kept crawling over to me and hanging on me, and finally fell asleep on my lap. We cuddled for a bit (I don't get to cuddle with him too much anymore!) while he was dozing, but he was stirring a bit so I took him upstairs to lay him down. Of course, he woke up when I laid him down and I couldn't get him back to sleep. I managed to get a shower while he played in the exersaucer, but he was being extra clingy with me. I needed to get out of the house to keep my mind busy, so we went to Kohl's to make a return, and he fell asleep right after we got in the car.

We met Mammaw at Arby's for lunch, and Ethan sat up in the highchair and tried corn for the first time. He ate very well! I pureed/chopped corn up so it was kind of like a chunky creamed corn consistency, and he did great with it! He showed off drinking through the straw too. He kept looking at the cars in the drive through and waving at them. It was too funny! He is waving with his entire arm :) We have been practicing waving "hi" and "bye-bye" and he just started doing this today!

It was a really nice day so we went over to Bridgewater Falls and parked and walked around. We checked out all the stores for a dark rattan trunk for the family room but no one had anything. It was nice to be outside and spend time together though! Ethan had fun reading about Curious George :)

When we got home, I made mexican for dinner so we could use the taco salad shells we had left. We stuck with Ethan's corn theme for today and he tried corn cake! He loved it!

After dinner Ethan got a bath in the sink and we tried the bedtime bath I picked up at Target. It's a lavender scent and it must have worked because he went to sleep really well tonight!!

Memphis Michael Koroschetz came into the world today... to put it mildly, I am very down in spirit that I wasn't able to be there, but I'm very glad to hear that Mom and baby are doing well and hope that we get to hear from them soon.

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